Friday, 15 July 2011


5% of sales on any of my blog pages to go to ActionAid and save the children, if you would like to donate here are the link,​.uk/

Thursday, 7 April 2011


Wallpaper from £200 - £455 per roll
Wallpaper (230gs-228gsm) and the premier paper is backed with latex giving it additional strength when it is wet. The paper is pasted and handled as normal wallpaper and will cover most minor cracks and imperfections

Bespoke handmade tiles from £70 per tile
We will advise you of the expected date of delivery when you place an order - normally this will be between four and six weeks depending on our work schedule and the nature of your project (handmade tiles take around two weeks to dry!)
All prices are fully inclusive with the exception of carriage

Border or edging tiles £19.25 per 5” tiles
We will advise you of the expected date of delivery when you place an order - normally this will be between four and six weeks depending on our work schedule and the nature of your project (handmade tiles take around two weeks to dry!)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


©2011-2016 ANIWETA LTD

All designs created by Aniweta LTD remain the title and copyright of Theodora Anagor and must not be reproduced in full or part in any media unless the rights are transferred to the buyer under a separate written agreement. Any infringement of these will be pursued seriously, all designs and works are protected. Copyright 2011-2016 Worldwide

Copyright ANIWETA LTD.
All rights reserved 2011-2016